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Just Keep Swimming!

The new Pi arrived and was fitted, but we had no power to one motor and the other motor only ran in one direction. KEITH Evo used the same chips so we did some comparisons of resistance across connections and discovered that our new chips were not working. So, deep breath and we ordered new ones. They arrived today so we spent the evening removing the old ones and putting the new ones into the circuit. We’ve tested most of everything else now, so we’ll plug everything back together tomorrow and see what happens. If all else fails then KEITH Evo may need to come out of retirement!

I have finished the chassis of the robot. I tweeted a sneaky peek and was suprised at the comments and numbers of likes it attracted. Nothing viral, mind you, but I don’t normally attract that much attention! This is what KEITH3 Mostly Harmless looks like. He might not work at the moment, but he is probably better looking than his predecessors!


Hopefully we’ll get one more post in before the deadline and then it will be just a week to go! Help!

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